Flame retardant standard of flame retardant fabric

China GB8624-1997 furniture decorative cloth FMVSS 302 car decorative fabric curtain FAR NFPA 701 25-853 aircraft decorative fabric CS 191-51 protective clothing Australia AS1249.2 (AS2755) children's pyjamas AS1441.13 coated fabric AS2390.2 blanket AS1530.2 (AS2755) AS3744.2 furniture curtain fabric covering the British BS5722 (BS5438) BS5815.3 (BS5438) children's pajamas bedding BS5867.3 (BS5438) the curtain of BS6249.1B (BS5438) BS6341 protective clothing (BS5438) BS7175 (BS5852) sheets and pillow cover furniture fabric BS7177 (BS5807) NFG07-184 radical French mattress protective clothing NFG92-501-505 decorative fabric Germany DIN23320 (DIN53906) DIN66083 protective clothing protective clothing (DIN54336-80) DIN66084 (DIN4102) decorative fabric JIS Japan L1091 protective clothing TCL 1008-69 aircraft decorative fabric JISD1201=FMVSS 302 decorative fabric
British BS7177 (BS5807) is suitable for the British public places furniture and mattress fabric. Special requirements for fire performance, strict testing methods. The fire can be divided into eight fire sources, class 0~7 and four fire grades, which are low, medium, high and extremely high. BS7175 is applicable to permanent fire prevention standards in hotels, hotels, entertainment places and other crowded places. The test requires two or more tests of fire through Schedule 4 Part 1 and Schedule 5 Part 1. BS7176 is suitable for furniture covering fabrics, requiring fire protection and washable. When testing, fabric and filler should be up to Schedule 4 Part 1, Schedule 5 Part 1 and smoke density, toxicity and other testing indicators. It is a more strict seat fire protection standard than BS7175 (BS5852). BS5452 is suitable for sheets and pillow textiles in public places and all imported furniture in the uk. After 50 times of washing or dry cleaning, it can still be effectively fireproof. BS5438 series: British BS5722 children's pajamas; British BS5815.3 bedding; British BS6249.1B curtain.
Germany DIN-4102 (DIN66084) decorative fabric fire protection standard; DIN23320 and DIN54336-80 (DIN66083) protective clothing fire protection standard;
CA-117 is a widely used one-time fire protection standard in the United States. It is not required to be tested after water. It is suitable for most textiles exported to the United states. American CS-191 is the standard of fire protection for general protective clothing in the United States. It emphasizes long term fireproof performance and wearing comfort. The processing technology is usually two step synthesis or multi-step synthesis, with higher technical content and profit added value. American NFPA-701, 703 is a fire protection standard issued by the fire protection association of the United States. It is suitable for public places curtains and other water resistant suspension fabrics. Physical and chemical indexes such as dry capacity and handle were also required in the test. The United States TB-603 full name BHFTI CTB-603 in 2005, 01 01 from the implementation in the United states. Mainly used for mattress, mattresses and other bedding. The test method is: a complete mattress (mattress) with large chamber combustion method to test heat release value. American NFPA261.94 is suitable for furniture covering strong things, including sofa and so on. Fire protection requirements for interior trim fabrics of FAR25-83 aircraft in the United states.
Japanese JISL1008-69 aircraft decorative fabric fire protection standard; JISL1091 protective clothing standard; JIS1201=FMVSS302 Automobile decorative fabric fire protection standard;
France NFG07-184 protective clothing decorative fabric; NFG92-501-505 standard;
European Union EN-71 toy cloth fire protection standard.
Xinxiang City Yulong textile specializing in the production of flame-retardant fabricsfluorescent fabricsanti-arc fabric and other functional fabrics and custom fire-retardant clothing​, fluorescent clothing and other multi-functional clothing.

