Standard for Flammable Fabrics

First, UL standards
UL is a short description of Underwriter Laboratories Inc. UL safety test is the United States the most authoritative, but also on the community engaged in safety testing and identification of the larger civil institutions. It is an independent, nonprofit, professional organization that works for public safety. It uses scientific test methods to determine the extent to which hazards such as materials, devices, products, equipment, buildings and other hazards and hazards to life and property; to determine, prepare and issue appropriate standards and to help reduce and prevent life Property is subject to loss of information, while carrying out research business. In short, it is mainly engaged in product safety certification and business safety certification business, the ultimate goal is to get the market with a very safe level of goods for personal health and property security to ensure that the contribution. In terms of product safety certification as an effective means of eliminating technical barriers to international trade, UL also plays an active role in promoting the development of international trade.
UL94 standard refers to the American Insurance Institute of the 94th experimental standards. The test method is as follows; the cross-sectional area of ​​1.27 * 0.32 cm length of 12.7 cm plastic sheet was vertical, in the lower end of the 0.96 cm at the bottom of the use of torch ignition, contact the flame 10 seconds after removing the torch, if the fire within 5 seconds called V -0 level, 5-25 seconds in the fire called V-1 level. Place the gauze at the bottom of the plastic sheet at 30 cm. If the drip liquid is burned it is called V-2.
Second, GB national standards
Test method for horizontal combustion of GB2408-80
The horizontal test method is to test the burning performance of the sample under self-support under laboratory conditions.
Vertical combustion method of GB2409-84
The vertical combustion method is a method for classifying the combustion after applying a flame to a sample having a predetermined size vertically under the prescribed conditions.
GB2406-80 oxygen index test method
Oxygen Index (OI) - refers to the minimum oxygen content of the required mixture when the plastic is burned. The average oxygen concentration in the air is 21%. General oxygen index below 21 for the flammable plastic, 22-27 for the self-extinguishing plastic, 27 or more for the flame-retardant plastic. The method is relatively simple, digital reproducibility is good, with the performance of the performance characteristics of the material performance, so commonly used abroad (such as the United States oxygen index test standards ANST / ASTMD2863-1977). The method is applicable not only to self-supporting materials but also to films, foams, and the like.
Test method for smoke density of GB8323-87
The test method is to determine the test conditions under the conditions of the material by radiation or combustion generated by the optical density. The specific density is the specific optical density calculated from the measured chamber volume, the optical path length, and the measured light transmittance measured by the test area. The maximum optical density value is used to represent the optical density of the material.
Third, ISO
ISO was established in February 1947, headquartered in Geneva, Switzerland, has been developed more than 8,000 national standards, including "ISO9000 series" is the quality management and quality assurance system Of the international standards, from the 1959 US military quality assurance standards evolved, first published in 1987.
ISO-9000 is a set of standards established by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) worldwide for universal quality management and quality assurance, and is now used by more than 90 countries. ISO-9000 standard is mainly to promote international trade and promulgated by the buyers and sellers on the quality of a recognition is the trade activities in the establishment of mutual trust between the cornerstone. As we all know, the product performance requirements and other requirements of the product has a lot of corporate standards and national standards, but these can not completely solve the customer's requirements, can not fully meet customer needs. Customers want to get the product not only when the inspection is qualified, but also in the production and use of the product, it is also credible. ISO-9000 system standard is required in the product design, production and use of the process, not only for people, but also on equipment, methods, documents and a series of work have made clear requirements, through the quality of work to ensure product quality, Minimize its implied defects.
1, ISO - 9000 standard in the quality system to ensure that there are three standards: ISO-9001, ISO-9002, ISO-9003.
ISO-9001 quality system standard is the design, development, production, installation and service quality assurance model;
ISO-9002 quality system standard is the production, installation and service quality assurance model;
ISO-9003 quality system standard is the final inspection and testing of quality assurance model
2, ISO 14000 environmental management series of standards is the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) following the ISO 9000 standard after the introduction of another management standards. The standard is ISO / TC207 by the Environmental Management Technical Committee to develop, there are 14001 to 14100 a total of 100, collectively referred to as ISO 14000 series of standards. Since the introduction of the ISO14000 series in 1996, the ISO14000 series has been guided by the idea of ​​"comprehensive management, pollution prevention and continuous improvement" and guided the world's environmental management. More than 120 countries have introduced and implemented the ISO14000 series. The series of standards. This series of standards combines the experience of many developed countries in environmental management in the world and is a complete and highly operational system standard that includes the organizational structure needed to develop, implement, implement, review and maintain environmental policies, Planning activities, responsibilities, practices, procedures and resources. ISO 14001 is the backbone of environmental management system standards, it is the establishment and implementation of environmental management system and through the certification basis. ISO 14000 environmental management system, the purpose is to standardize the environmental behavior of all organizations such as enterprises and social organizations in order to achieve the purpose of saving resources, reducing environmental pollution, improving environmental quality and promoting sustained and healthy economic development. ISO 14000 series of standard users are global business, industry, government, non-profit organizations and other users, the purpose is to constrain the organization's environmental behavior, to achieve the purpose of continuous improvement, and ISO 9000 series standards, to eliminate non-tariff Trade barriers that "green barriers" to promote world trade has a significant role.

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