What should you watch out for after finishing of functional fabrics?

After finishing is to give the fabric with a color effect, morphological effect (bright, suede, stiff, etc.) and a real effect (impervious, not felting, ironing, non-flammable, flame-resistant, etc.) of the technical processing methods, fabric finishing is The process of “adding flowers on the cake” is the process of improving the appearance and feel of fabrics, enhancing the performance of taking fabrics, or giving special functions through chemical or physical processes. After finishing methods can be divided into physical / mechanical finishing and chemical finishing two categories, according to the purpose of the finishing and the different effects produced, can be divided into basic finishing, appearance finishing and function finishing.

The purpose of finishing:

1. Uniformity of textiles with uniform width and shape and shape. Such as set (pull), mechanical or chemical shrinkage, wrinkle-free and heat setting.

2. To improve the appearance of textiles: including improving the luster and whiteness of textiles, and enhancing or weakening the villi of textiles. Such as whitening, calendering, electro-optic, Asian text, sanding, shearing and shrinking it.

3. Improve the feel of textiles: The main use of chemical or mechanical methods to make textiles such as soft, smooth, plump, stiff, thin or thick and other comprehensive touch feeling. Such as soft, stiff, weight and so on.

4. Improve the durability of textiles: The main use of chemical methods to prevent sunlight, air or microorganisms on the fiber damage or erosion, extend the life of textiles. Such as flood control, anti-mildew finishing.

5. Gives textiles special properties: Including textiles with certain protective properties or other special features. Such as flame retardant, antibacterial, water repellent, oil repellent, anti-ultraviolet and antistatic.

       The development of fabric finishing technology is toward functionalization, differentiation, and gentrification of products, diversification of processing techniques and development in depth, and emphasis on improving the performance of products and increasing the added value of products. In recent years, we have continuously introduced new technologies (such as low-temperature plasma processing, biological engineering, ultrasonic technology, electron beam radiation processing, inkjet printing technology, microcapsule technology, nanotechnology, etc.) from other technical fields to improve processing. Depth to get a good finishing product. With the attention of human beings to environmental pollution and damage, more and more attention is paid to health. The “low-carbon” economy is advocated, and the post-finishing technology requires environmental protection “green” processing to produce “clean” and “low-carbon” textile products.

       The basic finishing methods of fabrics are: stable size, improvement of the appearance of the finishing method, improve the handle performance optimization of the finishing method, so that fabrics get versatile, high value-added finishing methods, advanced fabric finishing methods, to meet special requirements Finishing method.

Various finishing processes are as follows:

1. Preshrinkage

Pre-shrinking is a process that uses physical methods to reduce the shrinkage of a fabric after it has been soaked in water to reduce shrinkage. The mechanical preshrinkage is to spray the fabric first by spraying or spraying to wet, and then by the longitudinal mechanical extrusion, so that the buckling wave height increases, and then loose drying.

2. Tenter

Stretching is the use of cellulose, silk, wool and other fibers in the wet conditions of plasticity, the width of the fabric gradually widened to the required size for drying, so that the fabric morphology can be stabilized in the process, also known as fixed-size finishing.

3. Sizing

Sizing refers to the finishing process in which a fabric is dipped in a slurry and dried to obtain a thick and stiff feel.

4. Heat setting

Heat setting is the process of making thermoplastic fibers and blended or interlocking fabrics relatively stable. It is mainly used for the processing of synthetic fibers such as nylon or polyester and their blends, which tend to shrink easily after being heated. Heat-set fabrics can increase dimensional stability and feel stiff.

5. Whitening

Whitening is the process of increasing the whiteness of textiles by using the complementary principle of light, also known as whitening. Whitening methods include blue and fluorescent whitening.

6. Calendering, electro-optic and embossing

Calendering is a process that uses the plasticity of the fiber under hot and humid conditions to roll or flatten the surface of the fabric in parallel to form fine twill to enhance the gloss of the fabric. The flat calender is composed of a hard roll and a soft roll, which is a hard roll point. After the fabric is pressed, the yarn is flattened, the surface is smooth, the gloss is enhanced, and the hand feels stiff. The soft calendering is composed of two soft rollers to form a soft-rolling point. After the fabric is pressed and pressed, the yarn is slightly flat, the luster is soft, and the hand feels soft.

Electro-optic is the use of electrically heated rolls to roll the fabric.

The embossing is composed of a steel roll and a soft roll engraved with a positive pattern, and under the hot rolling conditions, the fabric can obtain a shiny pattern.

7. Sanding, sanding

The process of grinding the surface of the fabric with a sanding roller (or belt) is called sanding, also known as sanding, which allows the warp and weft yarns to produce fluff at the same time, and the fluff is short and dense.

8. fluff

Fleeting is the process of picking up the fibers of the fabric with dense needles or thorns to form a layer of fluff. Also known as brushing finishing, linting is mainly used for woollen, acrylic and cotton fabrics. The fluff layer can improve the warmth of the fabric, improve the appearance and make the hand feel soft.

9. shearing

Shearing is a process that uses a shearing machine to cut off unneeded hair on the surface of the fabric. The purpose is to make the fabric texture clear, smooth surface, or make fluff or pile fabric fluff or suede neat. General woolen, velvet, artificial fur and carpet products need shearing.

10. soft

There are two methods of mechanical finishing and chemical finishing. The softening of the machine is achieved by bending the fabric several times. The soft effect after finishing is not ideal. Chemical softening is the application of a softener on the fabric, reducing the friction coefficient between the fiber and yarn, so as to obtain a soft, smooth feel, and finishing effect is remarkable.

11. Stiff finishing

The process of dipping and drying the fabric to obtain a thick and stiff effect is a finishing method aimed at improving the fabric's hand. By using a slurry made of a natural or synthetic polymer material having a certain viscosity, a film is formed on the fabric, so that the fabric is smooth, firm, thick, plump, and the like, and the fabric strength and wear resistance are improved.

12. Liquid ammonia finishing

The use of liquid ammonia in the treatment of cotton fabrics eliminates the internal stresses in the fibers, improves their luster and handling properties, reduces fabric shrinkage, increases resilience, tear strength, and moisture absorption. They are soft to the touch, elastic, wrinkle resistant, and dimensionally stable.

13. Weight gain

The weight gain is mainly to compensate for the weight loss of the silk fabric after degumming, and the chemical process is used to increase the weight of the silk fabric. Main methods: tin agglomeration, tannin aggravation (does not apply to white or light-colored silk fabrics), resin weight gain.

14. Weight loss

Weight reduction is the use of polyester hydrolysis at higher temperatures and a certain concentration of sodium hydroxide solution, so that the gradual dissolution of fibers, fabric weight reduction (generally controlled at 20% -25%), and the formation of a number of depressions in the surface, so that The reflected light on the surface of the fiber shows a diffuse reflection, forming a soft luster, and the gap of the fibers in the yarn increases, thereby forming a silk-like process.

15. Cook it

Cooking is a process in which a wool fabric is treated with a hot water bath under tension to make it smooth and orderly and not easily deformed in the subsequent wet treatment. Mainly used for worsted wool fabric finishing, after singeing and washing it. Cooking can make the fabric get a good dimensional stability, to avoid deformation, wrinkles, and feel after wet processing.

16. Steam it

Steaming finishing is the use of wool fiber in the hot and humid conditions of the stereotypes, through steaming to make the wool fabric shape stability, feel, gloss improvement process. Steaming is mainly used for wool fabrics and blended products. It can also be used for felt fabrics such as silk and viscose fibers. After being steamed, the fabrics are dimensionally stable, smooth, glossy, and soft and flexible.

17. Pressure it

Pressure finishing is a process in which the fabric is flattened by mechanical pressure under moist and hot conditions to enhance gloss and improve hand feel. There are two ways to press it: one is a rotary press, which is also called hot. After the wool fabric is evenly moistened by steam injection, it is squeezed and rubbed between the heated bobbin and the matching curved support bed. Consolation is smooth and gives shine, but the effect is not lasting. The other type is the electrothermal pressing of paperboard. The fabric has soft gloss and strong handle after voltage, and it has temporary effect. However, it has huge equipment and low production efficiency. It is mainly used for worsted wool fabrics.

18. Milling

Finishing is the process of making the wool fabric dense and fluffy on the surface by using the felt's felting properties. It also shrinks. Milling can improve the feel and appearance of the fabric and increase its warmth. Milling is particularly suitable for woollen fabrics.

19. Anti-felting

Anti-shrinkage finishing is a process that prevents or reduces the shrinkage of wool fabrics during washing and taking and stabilizes the size of garments. The principle is to use chemical methods to partially etch the scales, change their surface state, or cover their surface with a layer of polymer, and make the fiber intertwined points to adhere, thereby removing the base of the felt.

20. Anti-wrinkle

Crease-preventing finishing is a process that changes the original composition and structure of the fiber, improves its resilience, and makes the fabric not easily wrinkle when it is taken. It is mainly used for pure spinning or blended fabrics of cellulose fibers, and can also be used for silk fabrics.

twenty one. Wrinkle

Wrinkle finishing is a process that creates various and irregular wrinkles in fabrics. The main methods are: one is to use mechanical pressure method to make the fabric produce irregular concave and convex wrinkle appearance, such as hand wrinkling, rope wrinkle, packing, etc.; the other is the use of rubbing and wrinkling, such as liquid flow Dyeing and drum drying wrinkles and so on. Mainly used for pure cotton cloth, polyester/cotton blended fabrics and polyester filament fabrics.

twenty two. Water repellent finishing

Water repellent finishing is the process of applying chemical water repellent agent to reduce the surface tension of the fiber, so that the water droplets can not wet the surface, also called breathable waterproof finishing. Suitable for raincoats, travel bags and other materials. According to the durability of water repellent effect, it can be divided into two kinds: semi-durability and durability.

twenty three. Oil Repellent Finishing

Oil repellent finishing is a process in which a fabric is treated with an oil repellent agent to form an oil repellent surface on the fibers. Oil-repellent finishing fabrics are both water repellent and have good air permeability. Mainly used for high-grade raincoats and special materials.

twenty four. Antistatic finishing

Synthetic fiber fabrics are prone to generate and accumulate static electricity due to their low moisture content and high crystallinity. Antistatic finishing is the process of applying chemical agents to the surface of fibers to increase their surface hydrophilicity to eliminate or reduce static electricity on fibers. The main method is to form a conductive layer on the surface of the hydrophobic fiber to hydrophilize the surface of the fiber and ionize the surface of the fiber. The antistatic finishing effect and durability of fabrics are not as effective as weaving or interlacing with conductive fibers or yarns during weaving.

25. Decontamination finish

Decontamination finish is a process that makes it easy to remove dirt on the surface of the fabric by ordinary washing methods, and to keep the washed dirt from contaminating during the washing process. The basic principle of easy decontamination finishing is to chemically increase the hydrophilicity of the fiber surface and reduce the surface tension between the fiber and water, and it is preferable that the hydrophilic layer of the surface can swell when wet, thereby generating a mechanical force and causing dirt Can leave automatically. A layer of hydrophilic polymeric material is padded on the surface of the fabric.

26. Anti-mold and anti-corrosion

Mildew and anti-corrosion finishes are generally applied to a cellulosic fiber fabric to prevent or stop the growth of microorganisms. In order to prevent textiles from becoming filthy during storage, they can be treated with salicylic acid and other preservatives that have no significant effect on the color and color fastness of the product and are safe for human health. For cellulosic fiber textiles used under open weather conditions, The water-resistant preservatives can be used for padding treatment. After denatured treatment of cellulose fibers, it has good anti-mold and anti-corrosion properties.

27. Flood prevention

Anti-mite finishing is mainly aimed at wool fabrics susceptible to insects, while chemical treatment of wool fabrics, killing mites, or changes in wool structure, is no longer the food of aphids, so as to achieve the purpose of prevention.

28. Flame retardant finishing

Textiles treated with certain chemicals are not flammable in the event of fire or burn out immediately. This process is called flame retardant finishing. The main principle is to change the reaction process of the fiber when it catches fire, to generate a material with strong dehydration under the burning conditions, to make the fiber charring and not easy to produce flammable volatile substances, thus preventing the spread of the flame. The flame retardant decomposes to produce an incombustible gas, thereby diluting the flammable gas and acting as a mask to make the fiber less flammable or to prevent oxidation of the carbonized fiber.

29. Coating finishing

Coating finishing is the uniform coating of one or more film-forming covers on the fabric surface (or both sides). Coatings are used more and more widely in modern fabrics. Adding some additives to polymer materials can give coated fabrics a wide variety of special properties.

30. Luminous finishing

A fabric coated with a luminous coating can produce a garment with a special function. The finished product of this fabric can show a bright sign on a dark or dark night. Photoluminescent solids are inorganic and organic, mainly high-purity sulfides.

31. Reflective finishing

Reflective finishing is a process in which glass beads or colored clear plastic microspheres adhere to the fabric surface. The reflected light can produce directional reflections when the fabric is reflected in the dark.

32. Anti-ultraviolet finishing

Anti-ultraviolet finishing is mainly to add anti-ultraviolet agent (ultraviolet reflector or ultraviolet absorber) on natural fiber fabrics. There are two main methods: padding method and coating method.

33. Antibacterial and deodorizing finish

Antibacterial and odorless finishing is the use of antibacterial substances that are harmless to the human body. Through chemical bonding, they can be retained on the fabric, and the bacteriostatic effect can be achieved through the subsequent slow release. The most common method is the organosilicon quaternary ammonium salt method.

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